Monday, May 25, 2020

Dear parents/guardians and members of our community,


The Macaulay Child Development Centre remains committed to the health and safety of the families we serve, as well as, our staff, providers, volunteers and our greater community. As the Province of Ontario begins to announce the gradual re-opening of services, Macaulay is working hard to ensure that all safety protocols and guidelines developed by Public Health are implemented across our program and services locations. We understand that you may have questions and we will do our best to keep you updated and informed as this situation continues to evolve.

When will my child care centre re-open?
The Ministry of Education will announce when the mandated closure of licensed child care has been lifted and programs may begin to reopen. As soon as we know of a timeline of re-opening,Macaulay will communicate directly with all of our families.

When will Home Child Care reopen?
Home Child Care agencies are working with the City of Toronto and Toronto Public Health to develop best practice guidelines for how child care can be safely delivered in a provider’s home. We will keep you informed of our timeline for reopening when we know it.

When will Macaulay’s in-person programs and services re-open?
The Province of Ontario has extended the Emergency Order until June 2, 2020. At this time, Macaulay’s physical program and service locations remain closed until further notice. We will continue to keep our community informed of the steps we are taking to ensure a safe return to in-person service delivery.

How can I access Macaulay programs and services during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Macaulay has transitioned many of our programs and services to a virtual platform. Wherever possible, programs are being delivered through the use of video and tele-practice, web and social media platforms. Please visit our website to find online resources for children and families where program updates and other resources can be found. Our social media platforms are updated daily with activities and interactive videos, including videos in multiple languages. Please check our website regularly and follow us on Instagram and Facebook . For more information about specific program offerings, please contact us.

Where can I access additional information and support?
We understand that these are challenging times for many families and we encourage you to reach out for support when needed. Please visit our COVID-19 response section on our website for a list of important resources including:

  • Health updates
  • Self-care & Mental health resources
  • Community and social services
  • Food banks & Grocery delivery programs


For more than 80 years, we have been committed to helping children succeed. Now more than ever, this remains true. While we cannot wait to welcome you back in person, we are still here now, working remotely and will continue to share important information and deliver critical support to our community.

Stay safe and healthy.


Trevor McAlmont, Executive Director

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