Food Security

Access to food continues to be a key determinant of health and has a direct impact on overall well-being. With food insecurity on the rise, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, we know that, compared to the general population, marginalized and vulnerable communities are at increased risk.

Macaulay’s food access program helps to mitigate the effects of poverty by providing access to healthy food for the most vulnerable members of our community in the following ways:

  • Fresh Food Project delivers emergency boxes of fresh, healthy produce—enough to feed a large family for an entire week—delivered to families through contactless delivery.
  • Monthly, poverty-sensitive and culturally appropriate virtual workshops are provided for the entire family, to teach families how to cook and prepare the foods provided.
The Fresh Food project is currently paused and will resume in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates!

For more information, please contact

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