Macaulay Child Development Centre is a proud partner of ECHOage – an online birthday party website with a charitable twist. Together, we are helping families discover a new way to celebrate birthdays.

How does it work?
First choose your invitation, and then select Macaulay as your charity of choice. You can customize your invitation with details about your party, including important information about allergies, parent contact information, etc.
Instead of bringing a wrapped gift, guests simply RSVP and give a secure online contribution. All the contributions from guests are pooled together. Half of the funds collected are sent to the parent hosting the party (by cheque or Paypal) and the birthday child chooses any gift or gifts they want. The other half of the funds are sent by ECHOage to Macaulay to help support other children and families in need. Donations of $15 or more receive a charitable tax receipt. It’s a win-win!!

To get started and host a birthday in support of Macaulay, visit our charitable partner page

A word from our supporters:
“I’m so excited for my karate birthday party. This year, I chose Macaulay Child Development Centre as my charity. I want to help other kids like me. It makes me feel really happy when I know that I am doing something important and making other people feel happy too. I am also really really excited to get some new pokemon cards and a skateboard with my birthday money!!”  ~Seth, age 5

 “I started using ECHOage a few years ago for my children’s birthday parties because it is just so easy to use. I later realized what a huge impact I could make through the charitable component, both in terms of our contributions to important causes and through the lesson I was teaching my kids. I was so thrilled to see Macaulay as a new charitable partner as I think it is especially important to teach my children that there are other children and families like ours that need our help right here in Toronto. I truly believe that investing in early childhood education leads to a stronger and more productive community. I know Macaulay will put these contrbutions to good use.”  ~Parent and Macaulay supporter

For more information, contact Shana Gelbart at 416-953-4840 or

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